We know some of our members are waiting for the annual May Bylaws vote and luncheon with feverish anticipation! But… we are asking you to wait just a little longer this year!
The OKCMAR Bylaws Committee and Board, along with legal counsel, are considering the proposed Bylaws revisions. NAR have changed their annual Bylaws certification process and we are in good standing until the end of 2019. “We want to make sure that we get it right!” OKCMAR President Becky Karpe explains. “Bylaws are the fundamental ground rules for our member-driven organization and not something we should rush. Special thanks to all of our member volunteers who have worked so hard to prepare our Bylaws changes this year!”
We will send out notice and all proposed changes in a few weeks. We have TWO fabulous May luncheon speakers lined up and encourage you to register now!
David Todd, MAPS Program Manager, will be updating us on the MAPS Capital Improvement Projects. Jessica Hickok, OAR CEO, will be discussing OAR Nominations and Awards. We have a new catering company and are anticipating a delicious lunch!
Looking forward to seeing you there!