As REALTORS®, we pledge to abide by a strict code of ethics that safeguards our clients and the public. The Code of Ethics of the National Association of REALTORS® imposes duties above and in addition to those imposed by law or regulation, which apply only to real estate professionals who are also REALTOR® members.

Members are required to have completed their Code of Ethics training by December 31, 2024. We are hosting virtual classes frequently until further notice.

2024 NAR Code of Ethics

NAR Professional Standards Process

Filing an Ethics Complaint

Quick Link to NAR’s Code of Ethics Main Page

Online Code of Ethics Training

Monthly Webinar Series

OKCMAR has signed a Professional Standards Cooperative Agreement with Oklahoma Association of REALTORS®.

Professional Standards
OKCMAR Professional Standards and Grievances process are managed by OAR. You can find the links to file a complaint and better understand the process established by NAR via this link.

Mediation for REALTOR® Members:
Mediation is a process that allows REALTORS® to voluntarily resolve disputes in a confidential out-of-court procedure. In mediation, a neutral, third party helps those in conflict define issues, explore solutions and reach practical, workable, and mutually satisfactory agreements. Mediation seeks to prevent conflicts from escalating, saving everyone involved the time and expense of going to court. REALTOR® members may request mediation here.

Mediation Forms for members of the general public in the state of Oklahoma:
Mediation Information for Participants
Mediation Brochure
Schedule a Mediation!

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