Which of your colleagues comes to mind when you hear the word outstanding?  Or what about your own accomplishments?
Tell us who you think deserves consideration for an award!

• Nominations are open year-round

• Go ahead and nominate yourself! Celebration of individual accomplishments is highly encouraged

• The membership not only nominates, but also votes!

Nominations for 2024 are now closed.
The deadline for 2025 nominations is Friday, October 3, 2025. 

All nominees must be primary OKCMAR members. 

REALTOR® of the Year

The purpose of the “REALTOR® of the Year” award is to give honor and recognition to a REALTOR® for distinguished and outstanding service who has contributed significantly towards raising the professional standards within the Local, State and National Associations and the community in which the person resides.

Rising Star Award

The purpose of the “Rising Star” award is to give honor and recognition to a REALTOR® who has been in the business less than four years, yet who has already achieved stellar things!

Affiliate of the Year

Candidates for the OKCMAR Affiliate of the Year award exhibit a high level of professionalism and cooperation that is essential between their industry and our REALTOR® members.

Most Cooperative REALTOR®

The Most Cooperative REALTOR® award is to give honor and recognition to a REALTOR® who exhibits a high-level cooperation with their fellow REALTOR® members and who demonstrates professionalism and high standards in their real estate practice and the community in which the person resides.

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