On February 15th, OAR hosted the annual REALTOR® Day at the Capitol. REALTORS® came together to learn about our advocacy efforts and updates from NAR.
OKCMAR Government Affairs Chair Glen Cosper noted, “OKCMAR members were the largest contingent of REALTORS® in attendance. I want to personally thank them for taking the time to help us advocate on behalf of the profession and the industry.”
The day kicked off with speeches and panel discussions from Legislator Rep. Mike Osborn and Senators Darrell Weaver and Joe Newhouse. This was followed with a federal update from NAR Political Rep Jack Grecian, who gave an overview of advocacy efforts in Washington D.C. Other speakers include Oklahoma pollster Pat McFerron, banker and Federal Reserve Advisory Board Member Jill Castilla, and federal programs leader Bill Briggs. The morning concluded with Congresswoman Stephanie Bice, who updated the group about the goings on in Washington D. C.
After the morning session, those in attendance headed to the Capitol to meet with their local legislators. OKCMAR’s Policy Subcommittee was on a special mission. They were meeting not only to talk about OAR legislative priorities, but housing legislation – specifically bills that deal with affordable housing and the Landlord-Tenant Act. The results were productive meetings with local legislators from the OKC metro.
They were also able to influence the conversation about housing legislation.
“I was very pleased with the meetings and the commitments we received from our local legislators about our legislative priorities,” stated OKCMAR Government Affairs Vice-Chair Jessica Thompson. “It was clear that legislators had a deep respect for our organization before we even walked through the door.”
Legislators and their staff also attended the ice cream social organized by OAR, where they had the opportunity to network with REALTORS® from across the state!
Fun Fact
Rep. Denise Crosswhite Hader of House District 41 is OKCMAR Board Member Lydia Hedrick's stepmother!