A message from2020 OKCMAR PresidentJT Brown
April 20, 2020
The OKCMAR Board is adapting to new ways in communicating to ourselves and to our membership. Our programs and committees are still getting together via computer calls and we are creating a new normal for our continued interaction.
One huge focus has been in education. We continue to offer a beefed up class schedule at no additional charge. We even finalized our first ever ABR designation that is FREE to our members!
Our staff continues to answer calls and aid our membership. We are working hard to make this seamless and still beneficial until we can resume our normal duties.
We all realize the stress this uncertainty has caused us, our membership and our communities. We are in the final stages of putting together a charitable initiative along with MLSOK to help. Additionally we are understanding of the needs created by this pandemic on our membership and we are looking at potential initiatives to better serve these needs.
I, along with the entire Board of Directors at OKCMAR understand your situation and we want you to know that we are here for you. Please feel free to reach out to us.
JT Brown
2020 OKCMAR President
March 16, 2020
The coronavirus is starting to have a strong impact on how we live our lives. As REALTORS® we have obligations to our clients, our businesses, ourselves, and our families. Business will go on and it is important that you be mindful of the new circumstances in listing homes, showing homes, and with conducting open houses. In listing homes, please discuss with your clients that with bringing people into their homes, they need to be more aware and to put together disinfectant processes that they feel is needed, such as sanitizing door handles.
In showing clients, use the same caution. I would recommend separate automobiles. When you are touring, keep a respectable distance with your clients while still giving them the customer service that they deserve.
Open Houses, in my opinion, should be decided on with caution. When open to the public, you are exposing to the public and have no control over who comes in the home and with what health status. Protect yourself – and again, sanitize your environment as needed.
These topics may be harsh but they are completely at your discretion. Stay safe, my friends.
JT Brown
2020 OKCMAR President