Investing in real estate can be extremely profitable and can add a new revenue stream to your business. Chris Bird will be instructing the RRC course Buying and Selling Income Properties at OKCMAR on April 22nd and 23rd. Learn the secrets to smart real estate investing and start identifying lucrative opportunities for yourself and your clients!
You will learn how to identify the right opportunities in a down or an up market and compare real estate with other investments. This class is a must for any real estate professional looking to create wealth through residential real estate investment.
Upon the successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify and create strategies for building wealth for the investor through real estate investments
- Determine the factors and use the tools to measure the performance of real estate investments
- Satisfy your client’s needs through new sources for sales and listings
- Find and select successful real estate investments
Individuals who take this course will earn 16 CRS Education course credits toward the CRS Designation. The early bird registration fee of $175 is valid until February 24th. The fee will increase to $200 until March 24th; and then $224 until April 22nd.
Register online or download mail-in form