Exempt Listings and Clear Cooperation Policy, approved in November 2019
“Section 1.3 Exempt Listings
If the seller refuses to permit the listing to be disseminated by the service, the participant may then take the listing (office exclusive) and such listing shall be filed with the service but not disseminated to the participants. Filing of the listing should be accompanied by certification signed by the seller that he does not desire the listing to be disseminated by the service.
Note 1: Section 1.3 is not required if the service does not require all (indicate type[s] of listing[s] accepted by the service) listings to be submitted by a participant to the service.
Note 2: MLS Participants must distribute exempt listings within (1) one business day once the listing is publicly marketed.See Section 1.01, Clear Cooperation.”
Source: NAR
MLSOK Rules for Exempt Listings
“3.11 Exempted Listings
If the seller refuses to permit the MLS Listing Information to be disseminated by the MLS, the Participant may then take the listing (office exclusive) and such MLS Listing Information shall be filed with the MLS but not disseminated to the Participants. Within two (2) Business Days of submitting the MLS Listing Information to the MLS, the Participant shall provide to MLS a written statement signed by the seller indicating that s/he does not desire the MLS Listing Information to be disseminated by the MLS.”
Source: MLSOK Rules and Regulations
MLSOK Compliance Guidelines for Exempt Listings
- Failure to enter a listing within one (1) business day after publicly marketing the property;
- Failure to file with the MLS, within two (2) business days, any certification executed by seller of seller’s request that property shall be exempt from MLS;
Fines for Serious Violations are as follows:
First Infraction: Warning notification
Second Infraction: $250.00 fine
Third Infraction: $500.00 fine; and referral to MLS Board of Directors for review and discipline if applicable.”
Source: MLSOK Compliance Guidelines