REALTORS® are eligible to receive three hours of CE credit for attending an Oklahoma Real Estate Commission business meeting. OREC traditionally holds the meetings on the second Wednesday of each month at 9:30 am. In order to obtain credit, registration is required prior to the meeting. Please contact Mary Levecsy in OREC’s education department at 521-3387.
Paula Pittman regularly attends the meetings. “OREC’s monthly meetings are a wealth of information,” she said. “The proceedings will open your eyes to the way the real estate commissioners apply the rules and regulations to the situations that arise in our industry.” During the Public Participation segment, your voice may be heard on ways to improve the industry.
Did you know?
- OREC’s Contract Forms Committee is revising the earnest money section of the contracts.
- As of the last meeting there are 18,124 licensed agents in Oklahoma, up by 659 from 2017
- The PSI pass rate is 51% for licensees and 56% for Brokers
- The legislative update of the different bills that they are watching, which have passed, and what it means to our industry.
Pittman added, “This information provides a pathway to improve our brokerage, helping us to meet our goal of striving to be the best.”
Unless otherwise noted, all meetings are in Suite 200 or the Denver N. Davison Building, located at 1915 North Stiles Avenue in Oklahoma City.