April 30, 2018

It was an honor to have seven gubernatorial candidates join us at the April membership luncheon! Mick Cornett was unable to attend due to a scheduling conflict, but sent a video for OKCMAR members. Drew Edmonson, Connie Johnson, Gary Jones, Todd Lamb, Rex Lawhorn, Gary Richardson and Kevin Stitt presented before the audience and answered the following questions:

  • Economic growth and development is critical to the long-term health and vibrancy of Oklahoma. Taxes, quality education, trained workforce and housing play a critical role in this effort. What would be your plans if elected to support and promote economic growth and development?
  • Oklahoma has faced over the past 10 years major challenges with funding state program and services. If elected what are your plans to help Oklahoma deal with our funding challenges and specifically future funding for education?

Watch video of candidate presentations at April Luncheon.

The Bylaws luncheon will be on Thursday, May 31st at the Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association, with David Todd of MAPS 3  as guest speaker.

Admission is $10.  Please RSVP by May 26th to secure your lunch!



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