What has 330,000 parcels in 720 square miles worth more than $7 Billion?
Oklahoma County! And you’ll find out more about the State of Oklahoma County when Oklahoma County Assessor Larry Stein presents at the OKCMAR luncheon on February 12th!
Stein was elected Oklahoma County Assessor on November 6, 2018 after serving more than 17 years as the Chief Deputy for former Assessors Mike Means and Leonard Sullivan. Born in London, England to an Air Force family, Larry attended nearly a dozen different public schools before his parents retired in Midwest City and he graduated from Midwest City High School.
Larry helps manage the Oklahoma County Assessor’s Office budget of more than $7 million and 78 employees. His duties include working on all aspects of the assessor’s office including being involved with helping balance and oversee the entire county budget of approximately $100 million. In addition, Stein works with county and state elected officials on property assessment issues, property tax reforms and helping the public understand the complicated ad valorem system -the essential funding source for public schools, technology centers and state colleges. Stein provides communications and messaging training seminars for businesses and government organizations. He has also authored numerous articles published in local and international publications.
The Oklahoma County Assessor’s Office is the largest jurisdiction in Oklahoma.