Remember the elections are about more than your vote, but the future of Oklahoma City. OKCMAR is supporting MAPS because we believe it is another important step in the development of our city.
MAPS 4 is a debt-free public improvement program funded by a temporary penny sales tax, which would raise a projected $978 million over eight years. It requires approval from Oklahoma City voters.
MAPS 4 would keep Oklahoma City’s sales tax rate unchanged. The sales tax would take effect April 1 when the Better Streets, Safer City temporary sales tax expires.
The proposed MAPS 4 program includes all 16 of the projects that received a scheduled presentation during this summer’s special meetings. It’s focused on neighborhood and human needs, as well as quality of life and job-creating initiatives. More than 70 percent of the funding is dedicated to neighborhood and human needs.
The 16 MAPS 4 projects are:
Parks ($140 million)
Youth Centers ($110 million)
Senior Wellness Centers ($30 million)
Mental Health and Addiction ($40 million)
Family Justice Center operated by Palomar ($38 million)
Transit ($87 million)
Sidewalks, bike lanes, trails and streetlights ($87 million)
Homelessness ($50 million)
Chesapeake Energy Arena and related facilities ($115 million)
Animal Shelter ($38 million)
Fairgrounds Coliseum ($63 million)
Diversion Hub ($17 million)
Innovation District ($71 million)
Freedom Center and Clara Luper Civil Rights Center ($25 million)
Beautification ($30 million)
Multipurpose Stadium ($37 million)
If voters approve the MAPS 4 program, each project will be refined in the coming years as the process unfolds, much like the previous MAPS programs. A volunteer advisory board will make recommendations to the City Council, which has final oversight.
Voting and Election Information
The MAPS 4 election will have only one item on the ballot. Voters will vote yes or no on a temporary penny sales tax, which the Oklahoma City Council will devote to MAPS 4.
Visit the Oklahoma State Election Board’s voter portal to check your voter registration.
Regular voting is 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Dec. 10 at your usual polling location, which you can find using the voter portal or on your voter ID card.
Two precincts in far northwest Oklahoma City have new voting locations as of this fall. Precinct 550151 now votes at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, 10600 N Council Road. Precinct 550153 now votes at Newchurch, 9201 N Rockwell Ave.
State law requires proof of identity to vote. Acceptable forms of ID are a voter ID card, driver’s license or another form of ID issued by the federal government, state government or federally recognized tribal government. Voters may also cast a provisional ballot by proving their identity with a signed, sworn affidavit, which is available at the polling station.
All Oklahoma City voters registered by the Nov. 15 deadline are eligible to cast a ballot. If you aren’t sure that you live in Oklahoma City, visit okc.gov/citylimits to check.
Voters who have disabilities can find more information about voter assistance in Oklahoma at ok.gov/elections.
EMBARK bus and OKC Streetcar service will be free on December 10 to help voters get to the polls. Visit embarkok.com or okcstreetcar.com for route maps and schedules.