MLSOK Compliance Committee

Committee chair

Stephinie Miller

Zillow Homes, Inc.

Vice Chair

Sherri Combs

Porch & Gable Real Estate


Dustin Graeber


Tania Laubach


Mission Statement

Providing the clearest understanding and deepest value of the MLSOK Rules, Regulations and Compliance Guidelines.

Committee Description

Article VIII. Section 1.3. This committee is referred to in the Rules and Regulations as the “Rules Violation Committee” and shall be composed of the President and a pool of fifteen (15) Participants appointed by the President of the Corporation for a one (1) year term. It shall be the duty of this committee to establish procedures, create hearing panels and be the final arbiter of issues with regard to violations of the Corporations Rules and Regulations, as may be amended from time to time. As the Rules and Regulations provide, alleged offenses in violation of the Rules and Regulations may be administratively considered and determined by the Corporation’s staff. If the Corporation’s staff determines a violation has occurred, it may direct the imposition of sanctions in accordance with the Compliance Guidelines as established by the Board of Directors. If the Participant and/or Subscriber disagrees with Corporation’s staff’s decision, then the Participant may request a hearing before the MLS Hearing Panel in accordance with the procedures detailed in the Compliance Guidelines. This Compliance Committee shall appoint the members of the MLS Hearing Panels. This Committee shall meet quarterly each year as noticed by the Corporation MLS staff.

October 2024
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