We can all agree that fair representation is important.
The OKCMAR Board has discussed the pros and cons of the proposed OAR Bylaws and encourage members to vote NO on the change.
Proxy votes are not allowed and every single vote counts, so we hope to see you at the Central Oklahoma Home Builders Association on Monday, August 19th at 1:30 PM.
The proposed OAR bylaws would reduce the size of the OAR Board of Directors from approximately 134 to 49. OKCMAR would lose 20 seats on the board, making fair representation more difficult to maintain.
Aside from the lack of representation being reflective of our membership numbers, another aspect to keep in mind with the proposed bylaws change is the restriction of one proxy member (Alternate Director) per board per year. This will especially impact small boards, as they would potentially have no representation at a meeting in which the director is unable to attend.