OKCMAR sponsors a variety of events and programs that support the professional development of members. Non-members are invited to attend programs approved by the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission (OREC). A non-member registration fee may apply.
Continuing Education Class Requirements
Classes offering CE will be administered in accordance with the Oklahoma Real Estate Commission (OREC) rules and regulations. Registrants are responsible for arriving by the start time of the class, signing the attendance roster, and conforming to all break periods (including lunch) as defined by the instructor. Instructors determine time and duration of class breaks to ensure that the length of the class meets all OREC requirements. CE credits will not be provided to any person who does not meet the attendance requirements of the OREC.
Classes will begin promptly at their scheduled times. Those arriving more than 15 minutes after the scheduled start time may be allowed to attend the class, but will not be eligible to receive continuing education credit.
Due to the new one hour classes required by OREC, you will not be given CE credit if you arrive more than five minutes after the start time of one hour class.
Class Cancellation
OKCMAR makes every effort to hold events and classes that are scheduled and promoted. However, OKCMAR does reserve the right to cancel any class or program if circumstances necessitate this action.
Inclement Weather
In the event a class must be delayed or canceled due to inclement weather and time does not permit OKCMAR to notify registrants through email and an automated phone message, a special message will be posted on OKCMAR’s Facebook and Twitter pages and on the Education Calendar of the OKCMAR website.
Click here for OKCMAR’s Twitter page.
Click here for OKCMAR’s Facebook page.
Click here for a direct link to the Education Calendar.
Class Attendance
During class attendance, all electronic devices should be turned off and only checked on class breaks.
Students may not bring children under the age of 16 to the classroom in order to avoid disrupting other students.