OKCMAR Government Affairs Trustees

Committee chair

Anya Mashaney

Spaces Real Estate


Gary Jones


Melissa Nye


Mission Statement

Shall identify and interview potential candidates that positively support real estate activity and are aligned with the REALTOR® brand.

Committee Description

Government Affairs Trustees Subcommittee shall consist of (5) Members appointed by the OKCMAR Board of Directors. Furthermore, it is encouraged that members invest. The members who are appointed will interview candidates to be recommended for Fair Share Fund Allocation. Shall approve the Fair Share Fund Allocation and forward to OAR for Distribution to the Fair Share Candidates.  When this sub-committee meets, a quorum shall be defined as any three (3) voting Trustees. The Trustees meet after the Government Affairs Committee to interview, if necessary, and approve the Fair Share Distributions. From this sub-committee meeting, the Government Affairs Director (GAD) passes the request recommendation form to OAR to cut checks to prospective candidates. The only responsibility of the Government Affairs Trustee is to identify and interview candidates and approve and/or recommend Fair Share Fund Allocations.

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