By: Journal Record Staff
Published: December 4, 2019
OKLAHOMA CITY – The Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of Realtors, in partnership with the Realtors Political Action Committee and National Association of Realtors, provided $37,000 to support the Love Your OKC campaign to pass MAPS 4.
The OKCMAR board voted to support the proposed MAPS 4 program, which will focus on neighborhood and human needs, along with quality of life and job-creating initiatives across Oklahoma City.
“MAPS 4 will encourage economic development in the community, which is great news for our members,” said Carolyn Sims, a Realtor and OKCMAR government affairs chair. “More importantly, MAPS 4 program will improve overall quality of life in Oklahoma City, so we want to support passage.”
OKCMAR and RPAC allocate Realtor contributions to support political parties and mobilize voters regarding important issues which affect the real estate industry.
Oklahoma City voters will vote on MAPS 4 on Tuesday.
“A broad coalition of citizens, businesses and nonprofits support MAPS 4,” said Evan Handy, campaign manager for MAPS 4. “OKCMAR members recognize this vote is a chance for Oklahoma City to address neighborhood needs, human issues, quality of life and job creation across our city.”