OKCMAR was created to make sure that the REALTORS® in the OKC Metro area conducted their business in an environment where they could be successful. Part of that mission is to ensure that government, from city hall to our nation’s capital, does not hamper that success.
That is why every year we recognize the support that we receive by supporting our elected friends and candidates who support us who are running to be elected. We just presented checks to candidates running for office an RPAC contribution to help them in their upcoming election on June 30th, 2020. Because they are friends of the industry, we know we can count on them and that our voice will be heard. That is why we have RPAC.
This year, the process to determine the candidates we will support in the upcoming election changed. Based on revised NAR policy, the local board in the OKC metropolitan areas created a joint committee of members form each local board to screen candidates. They included the OKCMAR, Edmond, Norman, and Mid-Del Moore Boards.
Thanks to their work analyzing the candidates on the June 30th ballot, it was agreed to donate RPAC funds to the following candidates:
Cleveland County Clerk Tammy Belinson is current County Clerk and a candidate we supported 4 years ago. She is also President of the Oklahoma County Clerk Association.
Cleveland County Court Clerk Marilyn Williams is the current County Court Clerk and has done an excellent job in her 4 years.

Oklahoma County District 2 Commissioner Brian Maughan is the current County Commissioner. He has earned the support of REALTORS in his previous 3 elections. He has represented the county well and is deserving of support for a 4th term.

The Village Ward 5 Councilman Sonny Wilkinson is the current councilman and former Mayor. Has been an excellent forward-thinking leader for the town

By supporting candidates both monetarily and with our votes, we develop a relationship that helps us work together for not only the good of Realtors, but the community.
RPAC is an important part of OKCMAR’s success in representing the interest of the membership. Because when REALTORS® are there when they need help, it helps ensures they will be there when REALTORS® need help.
Thank you to those who invest!
While we hope every member will vote for the candidates recommended for support, the most important objective is to vote. Please remember to cast a ballot in the upcoming election on June 30th.