1. Change to Article XI, Sections 1 & 4
Vote: Approve change to this section. (See redline page 11-12). To move the Board Officer election to be prior to September voting for new Board members.
Rationale: The way the current Bylaws are written, we do not know how many vacant Board seats are available until after the Officer Election. If the Board votes on the Officers prior to the September voting for new Board members, we will know exactly how many seats we have to fill and eliminate confusion.
2. Amendment to Article XII, Section 6
Vote: Approve amendment to this section. (See redline page 13). This would allow membership to vote electronically.
Rationale: During the pandemic, the Bylaws did not allow for electronic voting for Board Officers. This would modernize our Bylaws.
3. Change to Article XI, Section 6. Removal of Officers & Directors.
Vote: Approve change to this section. (See redline page 12). This would change removing a board member WITH CAUSE to a majority Board vote, instead of a membership vote.
Rationale: We reviewed the process to remove a Board member, and it is very cumbersome in the current Bylaws. This revision would permit a majority Board vote to remove a Board member WITH CAUSE.