OKCMAR, along with a few surrounding boards, moved to SentriLock in the fall of 2023. Learn more about SentriLock and the benefits here: 

SentriLock lockboxes are $140+tax each.

Your monthly subscription for SentriKey is $22 per month.

SentriKey is autodrafted from a card on file with OKCMAR billed the first business day of each month. 

A declined payment will result in a $15 late fee on the third business day of the month. The remaining balance and any applicable late fees must then be paid for service restoration.

If you need to update your card on file, please visit member.okcmar.org and edit your card information under My Profile. Please reply to this email if you have any questions! 

• Edmond Board of REALTORS®
• Greater Tulsa Association of REALTORS®
• Mid-Del-Moore Association of REALTORS®
• Norman Board of REALTORS®
• Oklahoma City Metropolitan Association of REALTORS®
• Shawnee Board of REALTORS®
• Texoma Board of REALTORS®

SentriLock training is available online at sentrilock.com/training

SentriLock Certified Locksmith and OKCMAR Affiliate

Smart Home Locksmith  |  Bill Manolidis  |  405.868.5934  |  smarthomeandlocks@gmail.com

Why Sentrilock?

Learn about what makes SentriLock’s world-class products, services, and company different.

Why SentriLock?


SentriLock offers a wide variety of learning opportunities.

Visit sentrilock.com/training for webinars and how-to videos!


See the tutorial below to activate your SentriKey account.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the SentriLock Support Desk at: 877-736-8745